Letter to Editor

Role of socioeconomic disparities in incidence and mortality of chronic kidney disease

Mahdi Mohammadian, Hamid Salehiniya, Fatemeh Allah Bakeshei, Abdollah Mohammadian-Hafshejani

1847-1849 |

Role of statin in increasing the risk of diabetes mellitus

Mahdi Mohammadian, Hamid Salehiniya, Jamshid Ovisey, Fatemeh Allah Bakeshei, Abdollah Mohammadian-Hafshejani

1850-1852 |


Incidence, mortality and risk factors of cervical cancer in the world

Zohre Momenimovahed, Hamid Salehiniya

1795-1811 |

Potential role of Factor V Leiden mutation in adverse pregnancy outcomes: An updated systematic review

Nasibeh Roozbeh, Farzaneh Banihashemi, Mitra Mehraban, Fatemeh Abdi

1832-1846 |


Developing a high resolution melting method for genotyping and predicting association of SNP rs353291 with breast cancer in the Vietnamese population

Luan Huu Huynh, Phuong Thi-Kim Bui, Thanh Thi-Ngoc Nguyen, Hue Thi Nguyen

1812-1831 |

Original Research

Psychosocial adjustment to cancer and its associated factors in patients undergoing chemotherapy: A cross-sectional study

Mohsen Taghadosi, Zeinab Tajamoli, Mohammad Aghajani

1853-1866 |

Use of fresh human amniotic membrane for improvement of rabbit perianal surgery wounds

Alireza Khazaei, Abdolreza Sotoodeh Jahromi, Hadi Okati, Masoum Khoshfetrat, Fahimeh Shibak

1867-1873 |

Sexual knowledge and attitude as predictors of female sexual satisfaction

Farzaneh Soltani, Roghaye Azizi, Hadis Sourinegad, Arezo Shayan, Younes Mohammadi, Batoul Khodakarami

1874-1884 |

Evaluation of the optic nerve head and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber
layer thickness in patients receiving Electro-Convulsive Therapy

Kourosh Shahraki, Alireza Khosravi, Shiva Kaffashipour, Kianoush Shahraki, Masoud Sadeghi

1885-1897 |

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