Original Research

Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Intestinal Parasitic Infection among Underfive Children in University of Gondar Hospital, Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia

Yetemwork Aleka, Seife G/egziabher, Workineh Tamir, Meseret Birhane, Agersew Alemu

347-353 |

Case report

Toxoplasmosis Gondii Infection and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Treated by Using Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cells a Unique Case Report of a Caucasian 83 Year Old Lady

Ciro Gargiulo, Van Hung Pham, Kieu C.D. Nguyen, Ngan Duong Kim, Thinh Van Nguyen, An Tuan Luu, Kenji Abe, Melvin Shiffman

339-346 |

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